Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Skin Moisturizers to moisturize your skin

Skin Moisturizers to moisturize your skin

Moisturizers are cosmetic products which to some extent provide a practical answer to problems of water loss from the skin. Though water is the missing ingredient, in dry skins, application of water alone is not the solution as this has only a temporary effect. Though oil is equally essential (it serves to hold water on to the skin surface), it alone also can't moisturize the skin.

Facial Moisturizers, therefore, combine both water and oil. This not only replaces some of the water lost from the skin, but more importantly prevents its loss to the surroundings. There are several moisturizing products available in the market. They all fall, basically, into 2 main types: oil-in-water emulsions and water-in-oil emulsions.

The oil-in-water moisturizers sometimes also contain substances called humectants which attract water from the surroundings, but this may have its own disadvantage because humectants may sometimes absorb too much water from the skin itself thereby increasing its dryness. A commonly used humectant is glycerine. Newer ingredients have been added to increase the effectiveness of this group of moisturizers, but still their effect remains temporary.

The second category of skin moisturizers comprise the newer water-in-oil emulsions. They are marketed generally as creams or lotions. Being oil-based products, these trap moisture in the skin by forming an absorbing film on the skin surface. This forms a barrier retarding water loss. Many of these products are also called anti­dehydrating creams.
How to choose your Moisturizer?

Choosing the moisturizer to suit your skin type is very very important The proportion of oil varies according to the type of skin for which the product is formulated. The label on the product generally states this - so do read the instructions carefully!

Generally speaking, products meant for well balanced normal skins are water-based, containing a little oil. Those designed for dry skins make up for the lack of oil on the skin, by adding oil to the skin. Humectants like glycerine and lactic acid, are also added to retain moisture. Sensitive skins also need moisturizers having a high oil content.

Moisturizers are, generally, not to be used on oily skins, because they can cause spots. But today safe synthetic chemicals are available ­ these oil-free moisturizers do not contain any mineral oils, vegetable oils or animal fat, but contain either modified oils or other synthetic ingredients. So now you can enjoy the luxury of using such products, even if you have an oily skin. Use them on patches of dryness caused by excessive use of anti-pimple remedies, yet don 't use them too often or too liberally.

Now, newer light non-greasy creams and lotions are also available - these are as effective as the heavy, thick and greasy creams and are competitively priced. They are the best type to be worn under makeup, as they give a superb finish to the make-up.
Is it worth using a moisturizer regularly?

Yes, regular use of a suitable moisturizer does benefit your skin. By guarding against the excessive loss of water, these agents protect the skin against the drying influences of the environment - the effects of sun, cold and heat. A moisturizer is particularly helpful for naturally dry skins, but whatever be your skin type a moisturizer does compensate for the deficiencies in the natural oil-film and keeps your skin lubricated making it soft, smooth and looking more youthful.

Further, moisturizers give a smooth finish to makeup. Putting on a light moisturizing cream will make makeup much easier to apply and reduce the risk of dragging the skin.

Most dermatologists agree that moisturizers effectively combat skin dryness and
make the skin soft and supple. But the role of special ingredients, like vitamins, proteins, collagen and hormones, in many of the expensive creams is quite doubtful. In fact, it is only the simple lubricating action of the ingredients in the creams that do any good. So using exotic oils (such as deer oil) instead of ordinary oils, will not make the moisturizer any more effective, though it will add enormously to the cost. However, certain natural and synthetic substances, humectants - like urea, lactic acid, and phospholipids, might improve the effectiveness of moisturizers as they increase the hydration of the skin.

Indian Bindi, Dessert, Skin Care, Jewelry - Beauty of Forehead

Indian Bindi, Dessert, Skin Care, Jewelry - Beauty of Forehead

Add a zero to figure one and its value will increase ten times. Likewise, place a bindi (dot) on your forehead after makeup and the charm of the face will enhance ten times. Bindi (also called bindiya) is a symbol, not only of beauty but of your Suhag too - an indication of a married woman. A married Hindu woman uses various symbols - sindur, bangles, mangal sutra, bichhuye on the toes and alta on feet. Likewise, bindi is a symbol of good luck and purity. It has found its way in folk literature, poetry, sculpture and other forms of arts and literature.

In ancient times bhasm (sacred ashes) or chandan (sandalwood paste) were used on forehead by men. Women decorated the forehead with a red dot symbolic of good luck like the rising sun. They used materials varying from roli, kumkum, sindur. Today, bindis are available in different colours to match your makeup and dress. Although, traditionally only a round dot is permissible, these days the bindis are available in many shapes, some of them being religious symbols like trident (trishul), conch (shankh), star (tara), lamp (deepak) and so on. Today even unmarried women use bindi.
The Colour and Shape of your Bindi Jewelry

If bindi matches your dress in colours, the entire dressing-up acquires a typical beauty. The colour of your dress and the shape of your face should determine the shape, size and colour of the bindi you choose. Some popular unique designs available are - round, long, oblong, triangular, crescent moon, a round bindi with small dots surrounding it, etc. You are the best judge to decide what suits you. For middle-aged women it is advisable to use deep colours which lend gravity and soberness to their personality. In summers, light-tinged bindi looks pleasant. In winters and at night bright colours appear prominent.

Some tips for choosing your Bindi

. A small forehead appears large with an oblong bindi.
. A broad forehead looks good with a round bindi.
. On a fair complexion, red looks striking.
. On dark complexion pink, orange or sandal wood colour appears prominent.
. Wheatish complexion requires a light red bindi.
. If the skin is very dark, do not use red, steel grey or chocolate colours.
. For large eyes, big bindi is suitable, for small eyes a small bindi.

Height and shape of body are also determining factors.

. A tall woman should use round shaped bindi
. A a short woman should put on longish shaped bindi.
. If you have a broad forehead, place bindi in the middle, but if you have a narrow forehead put it between eyebrows.

Bindi can be in liquid or cream form. Powder bindi is difficult to use and requires cream or vaseline as base. Glass, lac or plastic bindis can be stuck with a little spit. Some women make it a point to match their bindi with their dress, irrespective of the fact whether they are going to a wedding, a festival, or a party. But, this is an erroneous attitude. Because instead of heightening their beauty, a wrong decision can make you ridiculous and uncultured. So, you have to be choosy and wise in your choice of bindi. A bindi is much more than a mere dot on the forehead. It can make or damage your charm

Beautiful Skin

Beautiful Skin

Beautiful skin is essential for making the most of your looks. Without it, all that carefully applied make-up will either go patchy and blotchy, slide into lines and wrinkles or disappear off your face in a shiny, oily mess. The simple truth is that most of us don't have beautiful skin. In fact, we don't even have so-called 'normal' skin, with its plump,shiny texture, radiant glow and minimal breakouts.

Instead we have dry bits, oily bits or irritated bits, and that means our skin doesn't always look or feel as good as it should. But the good news is that you don't have to put up with this. By knowing what kind of skin you have and how to treat it, you can solve your particular problems. Balance the levels of water and oil in your skin and you will create the state of harmony that is beautiful, perfect, 'normal' skin.
What Type of Skin Do You Have?

To create perfect skin you have to treat each individual cell within. It perfectly You need to know if the cell needs more water,less oil or just leaving alone to calm down and stop getting hot and bothered. The only way you're going to do this is to know your skin type. Now, you may think you know this already, but many of us are wrong. For starters, skin types change with age, so oily skin in your teens doesn't mean oily skin in your twenties, thirties or forties. Skin types can also change with the seasons, as temperatures affect the levels of oil and water in the skin; they can change with your diet, and even according to the time of the month, So to truly know your skin type, you have to reassess it regularly. Doing so is easy - just answer the following questions and see which letter you choose most often.

1) Take A Look At Your Face In Bright Light, What Do You See ?

a) It's shiny with noticeable blackheads

b) It looks flaky and feels taut

c) My forehead, chin and nose are shiny, the rest is tight and flaky

d) It's very pale, and there are occasional red or flaky patches

e) The surface is dull. I'm low on colour and there are noticeable lines and wrinkles

2) Wash Your Skin With Some Plain Soap and Water, Wait For About 20 Minutes Now What do you notice?

a) It looks less shiny

b) It looks and feels tighter plus It's gone a grey colour

c) It's less shiny on my nose and forehead but now my cheeks feel dreadful

d) It's itchy, red and flaky thanks a lot

e) My lines and wrinkles are even more noticeable but I've got some colour back into my skin tone

3) Do you get spots ?

a) Yes, I'm prone to blackheads,whiteheads or big red ones that hurt

b) Not really only around my period or if i use thick moisturizer

c) Only on my nose, forehead and chin

d) Yes, but they're red rather than whiteheads or i get rashes

e) Very rarely

4) Look At Your Nose And The Area Around It­What Do You Notice Most?

a) Blackheads, whiteheads and oil

b) Flaky patches and redness around my nostrils

c) That my nose and cheeks look like they're from two different faces, my nose is shiny, my cheeks are dull

d) There are lots of little red veins and high colour on my cheeks

e) I've lots of open pores

5) Take Your Index finger and Lightly Press Your Cheek Upwards. What Do You See?

a) Nothing really

b) I get loads of tiny lines like crepe paper that vanish when i stop

c) Some lines appear but when i stop pressing they go away

d) The area goes white, then red or it feels hot

e) I get folds of skin forming and it takes a while to snap back to normal

6) Now Get A Magnifying Mirror Or At Least Stand In Some Really Bright Natural Light. Look At Your Pores - What Are They Like?

a) Big, black and shiny

b) Practically non-existent

c) Big on my nose, chin and forehead

d) Large but clear there's no oil there

7) Apply Your Make-Up As Normal In The Morning, Then At Lunchtime Take A Long Hard Look In The mirror. What's happened?

a) What's left of it is shiny but most of it has disappeared

b) It's gone blotchy and flaky

c) My cheeks aren't so bad, but my nose is shiny

d) My skin looks a bit red and irritated

e) It's settled on the lines of my face or looks dry

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

Beauty personifies excellence. Perfect beauty is an elusive utopian concept. However a thing of beauty is joy forever. If one can enhance one's looks by making small improvements in lifestyle and beauty care regime then a new beautiful person emerges from the sidewalks. Being beautiful gives personal satisfaction, is a moral booster and adds joy in life. Mortal human beings have been fascinated with the concept of beauty as can be seen through the efforts made by prominent figures like Cleopatra in ancient age to modern day beauty icons like Jennifer Lopez to have a stunning persona. Beauty lies deep in healthy hair, skin and overall appearance of body.

Healthy and well taken care of skin is something that is first noticed in a beautiful and groomed person. For healthy looking skin, it is important to have healthy diet as what you eat gets reflected on your skin. Another cardinal factor for maintaining supple skin is regular intake of water as it flushes out toxins from body. Personal hygiene is also very important for a soft skin. The face should be wiped of oil, dirt and excessive traces of cosmetics before sleeping with the help of natural or mild cleansers. Deficiency of important minerals and vitamins is reflected on skin in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, brown pigmentation and linear spots. For a healthy skin the intake of vitamin A and B and minerals like iron and iodine must be regularized.

The common problems associated with skin are acne, pigmentation, wrinkles and dark circles around eyes. Acne is result of hormonal imbalances and excessive oil production in skin. It can be regulated by a healthy diet and regular skin care regime that comprises of cleansing, moisturizing and toning. In severe cases, topical applications and oral prescriptions must be taken under the consultation of a dermatologist.

Pollution, excess exposure to sun and stress often results in wrinkles at a young age. These can be controlled by regular facial massages, which tightens facial skin and increases blood circulation. In the market there are easily available thermal and skin tightening masks, which can be applied once in fifteen days to have the desired effect. Care should be taken while buying skin care products. Those with harsh chemicals must be avoided and those with natural ingredients must be preferred.

Excess exposure to sun and pollution causes pigmentation of skin which on becoming permanent can be removed only under the expert advice of a dermatologist. For overall care of skin, face packs made from natural ingredients available must also be tried depending upon the skin time. Curd mixed with lemon juice is good face pack for normal to oily skin. Curd mixed with lemon juice and honey nourishes dry skin. In market, there are easily available mudpacks. They help in reducing the effect of sunburns and tanning and must be used once in a week.

Dark circles around eyes are other common skin problems. Their onset starts in early thirties and they are caused by fatigue, loss of sleep, prolonged illness, anemia, migraine, hereditary factors, dietary deficiency, stress or kidney disease. These days the onset of dark circles starts early in mid twenties due to hereditary factors, modern chaotic lifestyle and excess exposure to sun. Since the skin around eyes is very thin and delicate, it becomes very noticeable.

Skin types

Know your Skin Type

It is really very important for you to be able to identify your skin type. This is to enable you to look after your skin correctly. Also the selection of your cosmetics to a considerable extent is influenced by your skin type. Although no two skins are exactly similar most have characteristics which enable them to be grouped into one of the following types: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, and combination skin.
Normal Skin Type

Normal skin is smooth and velvety to touch and does not look puffy or shiny. The skin has a rosy colour because the circulation of blood is good and the skin is well moisturized. The pores are fine and barely visible. This type of skin is very rare. It is one of the best types which retains freshness, attraction and flush for long. If you own this type of skin, you have a real fortune to exploit.
Caring for Normal Skin Type

However, though, normal type of skin is not really problematic, it still needs sensible care and gentle treatment. Choose your skin care products carefully and always look for mild, well-balanced cosmetics. It requires very light make-up. Face should be washed with soft water. If the usual tap water in your area is hard, soften it by adding a little 'borax powder' to it. In order to keep up the glow of your skin, it is imperative to wipe off your make-up before going to bed with a good cleansing cream. Do not use make-up at least once a week so as to let your skin breathe fresh air.
Dry Skin Type

Dry skin is fine, sensitive to the weather and is prone to wrinkles. Dry skin is delicate and dry with a tendency to scaling on the cheeks. Underneath, the skin lacks suppleness and therefore feels taut after washing. The pores are not visible as there is an insufficient amount of secretion from the sebaceous glands. Dry skin tends to age prematurely and is wrinkle-prone unless nurtured. Constant protection is very important and the products used must be gentle, rich and soothing. Always use a moisturizer during the day and a good cream at night.
Caring for Dry Skin Type

Protect it against wind, sun and water. Dry skin should not be washed with cold water and soap, nor should astringent lotions be used. Instead, after cleaning it at night, before bed-time, it is better to use a good freshner which might give it some freshness. The freshner should be non-alcoholic, because alcohol dries the skin. Moisturizer should be spread slowly on the face by giving outward motion either with cotton or
fingers. Use moisturizer on your neck and other parts which are exposed. Diet, rich with vitamins A, B,C, D should be taken.
Oily Skin Type

Oily skin is coarse, thick and shiny. The sebaceous glands being over-active, the pores are clearly visible. Oily skin is prone to blackhead and pimples and needs to be cleaned scrupulously. Only those cosmetics which have been formulated especially for oily skins should be used, otherwise there will be problems.

A greasy skin is prone to pimples and dark shadows. It, therefore, requires frequent cleaning, say thrice a day at least. Use of sulphur soap is beneficial., Also, remember to clean your face at night, before retiring, with some good quality cleansing milk or with un boiled milk. Avoid greasy food. Your intake of water should be at least six glasses a day . If the skin is allowed to remain greasy, pimples and blackheads find an easy way to appear. A greasy skin does not require make-up. Cleansing the pores with
steaming once, a week is an effective method to keep the skin greaseless. Use a face-pack after steaming. This is called facial. Face-packs are available in the market but they can also be made at home. What kind of pack would suit you depends upon your skin.
Combination Skin Type

Most of us have a combination skin. The middle of the face (patches on the forehead, the nose and the chin) is shiny with dilated ostia and a coarse texture. The rest of the face is either normal or dry. Sometimes, the difference between the two areas is great; if such is the case with your skin, then you would have to treat each part of the face accordingly - the dry areas as for dry skin and the central face as for oily skin.
Caring for Combination Skin Type

If your face is partly oily and partly dry, you've got combination skin and there are several ways to care for it so that you can keep both types balanced and looking good.

* Use a mild cleanser on your entire face up to twice a day.
* Use a good moisturizer on the dry areas. - Moisturizers work by either increasing the penetration of water into the skin or by reducing the rate at which water is evaporating from the skin surface.
* Look for products that normalize your skin, such as those that contain alpha hydroxy acids - Alpha hydroxy acids are derived from fruit, milk and sugar cane and have anti­inflammatory properties. When applied to the skin they help remove dead skin cells (exfoliate), giving a younger appearance.
* Use oil-absorbing makeup on oily areas to control shine.
* Use a sunscreen, minimum SPF.

` sOuth indian beaUty parvati meltOn `

` talented beaUty :: amanda bynes `

` cUte & fUnny animals `

` amazing snake tEmple in malaysia `

The Snake Temple is situated in Sungai Kluang, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia and is perhaps the only temple of its kind in the world. The temple is filled with the smoke of burning incense and a variety of pit vipers. The vipers are believed to be rendered harmless by the sacred smoke, but as a safety precaution, the snakes have also been de-venomed but still have their fangs intact, visitors are warned against picking up the reptiles and placing them on their bodies for taking pictures. Local devotees believe that the temple's snake population has come there of its own accord.
The temple was built circa 1850 in memory of Chor Soo Kong, by a Buddhist monk who moved to Penang. Chor Soo Kong was born with the Tan surname in China during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). He was very serious about spiritual attainment and was ordained at a young age. Legend has it that Chor Soo Kong, who was also a healer, gave shelter to the snakes of jungle. When he died at the age of 65 after a lifetime of good deeds, he was bestowed the honorific title Chor Soo, meaning an eminent historic figure continuously revered by a community generation after generation. After the completion of the temple, snakes appeared on their own accord. The Snake Temple was originally named the "Temple of the Azure Cloud" in honor of the beauty of Penang's sky.
Believers from as far away as Singapore and Taiwan come to pray in the temple on Chor Soo Kong's birthday (the sixth day of the first lunar month).

Twisted Cheese Bread

Twisted Cheese Bread

As I was preparing to back home for Chinese New Year, there were still had some leftover cream cheese in the fridge that I should use it before it expired. So, I've chosen this bread recipe just to used-up the cream cheese.
Here is my first attempt on this cheese bread recipe which I really like to share it with you because it's beautifully baked and taste really good. When I cut out a portion from the bread, it gave me a "love" piece of bread. That I feel so lovely.
I know it's nothing related to CNY but you may try it when the "hurricane" is gone. Wish all of you have a blessed new year and all the best!



(A) 200g bread flour / 35g sugar / 1/4 tsp salt / 3g yeast / 125g water / 15g butter
(B) I50g cream cheese / 1/4 tsp lemon juice / 10g bread crumbs or biscuit crumbs
(C) 10g almond flakes

Method :

Mix ingredients (A) except butter at low speed using a dough hook mixer, then turn to medium speed until it become a smooth dough.

Add in the unsalted butter and knead with low speed until the butter combine with the dough. Turn to medium speed for the kneading process until it become a smooth and elastic dough.

Place the dough into a clean bowl and cover with cling wrap to proof for 80 minutes.

While waiting for the dough, mix the ingredients (B) until it become a smooth paste.

Divide the dough into 2 portions and round them into small balls. Let them rest for 15 minutes.

Flatten the dough to a round disc and spread the filling at the center. Roll the doughs into round shape and rest for 5 minutes.

Use a rolling pin and gentle roll the dough out to a flat disc. Use a scissor to cut 2 inches at the edges for 12 petals. Twist in two petals face to face and you will get six pairs of petals. Let it proof for 30 minutes.

Egg wash the doughs and sprinkle over the almond flakes on the center of the flower shape doughs. Bake at 190'C preheated oven for 22 minutes until golden brown.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!


Hello! Just want to wish everyone who are here always to give your support and lovely comments. May this season brings you lots of joyful and all the best on your continuous baking. I've got nothing to proud about my new year cookies because there are nothing special which I made them before. There are not the best but still edible and presentable. I hope mum will satisfy with all these goodies as well as the guests who are going to visit us very soon. I'll be away for some time, but will definitely drop by at all my lovely supporters to read your new updates. Happy Chinese New Year!

Durian Butter Cake

Durian Butter Cake

I seldom bake recently, life without baking is just so boring and dull. I found an excuse to bake a butter cake last week that had shared with my cousin and family. Although it's just a simple cake, it makes me feel better touching the kitchen stuffs.
After the first attempt on berries butter cake, I would like to give it another try on durian flavour, and also took this opportunity to use a new cake mould. I'm not sure it's called bundt mould or something else, correct me if I'm wrong. Beside berries, durian is also one of my favorite fruit. So, I came out with this durian butter cake. The taste is very flavourful indeed with the slightly moist and rich texture. I feel the bundt cake mould make it looks prettier rather than just baking in a flat baking tray. Hope you will like this recipe of Kevin Chai. His recipes is quite simple and nice. Don't forget to use the sweet and flavourful durian and you will get the result.


250g butter
170g caster sugar
4 eggs
250g durian flesh
230g self raising flour
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

Grease a baking mould. Preheat oven to 170C.
Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition.
Stir in durian flesh. Fold in sifted flour, baking powder and soda. Mix until well blended.
Spoon batter into prepared mould. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes or until cooked

Chocolate Marble Bread

Chocolate Marble Bread

I'd this recipe from some of the blogger and also from the book of 孟老师的100道面包. At first, it looks like a bit complicated but after a trial, I think I would do it again as it's not that complicated as I imagine and it taste really good! I think children definitely will like this bread as the cocoa flavour and chocolate chips really boost up my appetite in the morning.

The edges of the bread a bit chewy whereas the crumbs are supper soft. I toasted the last two slices on the 3rd day, that is another special texture which is incredibly crispy and cholatey.

(A) 1 piece of cheddar cheese kraft
70g fresh milk
20g bread flour
(B) 260g bread flour
40g sugar
1/4 tsp salt
4g yeast
130g water
(C) 20g butter
(D) 25g chocolate chips
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp water


Melt the cheese kraft with the milk in a pan at low heat. When the cheese completely melted, add in the flour and keep stirring until it become a dough. Let the dough cool down on a plate and cling wrap it then tuck it into the fridge for about one hour.

Knead the ingredient (B) with the cheese mixture (1) until a smooth dough then add in the butter. Continue the kneading process till a smooth and elastic dough.

Weigh 200g of out of the dough for the plain dough and the rest for cocoa dough.

Mix the chocolate chips into the 200g plain dough and shape it into a smooth dough. For the cocoa dough, mix the cocoa powder the water until it foam a small cocoa dough. Knead the cocoa dough with the rest of the dough until the whole dough become chocolate dough. Shape it into a smooth dough. Let the doughs proof for 80 minutes.

Roll out the cocoa dough into 20cm square in shape and 16cm for the plain dough. Place the plain dough on top of the cocoa dough. Roll it up and place it into the bread tin. Let it proof for about 60 minutes till the dough fill up to 90% of the bread tin.

Lid on the bread tin and bake at the 190'C preheated oven for 30 - 35 minutes.

Western Australia Tourism

Occupying about one-third of the continent,Western Australia is a state of great diversity. Residents of thelargest state are known to be obsessed with the great outdoors.Students quickly become accustomed to the Australian culture and takefull advantage of all Western Australia has to offer. Western Australiaoffers something for everyone. Unspoiled forests along the southerncoastline, the vast expanses of the Kimberlys, the blankets ofwildflowers, and the excitement of a major city are all part of thebeauty and rich frontier heritage of Western Australia. All of thisgives visitors a unique and healthy environment, conducive to study andpersonal growth.

Geographically, Western Australia is surrounded by the Southern Oceanand the Indian Ocean and provides the locals with plenty of surf,sailing, fishing and diving. The Southern Coastal Region offerswineries, rugged coastline, isolated beaches and scenic forests withthe giant Karri, Marri and Tinglewood trees. Visitors to northernWestern Australia will find the outback and a land with unique sceneryshown by the Bungle Bungle in Purnululu National Park. Also, thecoastline of the north is known for its pearling towns, deep-seafishing and world-class coral reefs. The "heartland" of WesternAustralia is home to the wondrous 15 meter high Wave Rock, thePinnacles, north of Cervantes, and a spirited frontier history withghost towns and boomtowns.

Perth, with a population of just over 1 million and a climate similarto the Mediterranean, offers access to key locations in the Pacific Rimand areas along the Indian Ocean. Inland from Perth are the vineyardsof the scenic Swan Valley. The adjacent city of Fremantle, known forhosting the Americans Cup, offers yachting enthusiasts a chance to lookat the boating and fishing museums and to sample seafood in one of therestored Edwardian buildings. The social scene in Western Australia isvery active and accommodating for all. From the modern dance clubs inPerth to the pubs of historic Fremantle, people of any age can find avariety of things to enjoy, such as shopping, live theatre, cinemas,concerts, professional sports and hundreds of restaurants.

Because of its key location on the Pacific Rim, Western Australia isconsidered to be Australia's gateway to Asia, and this ideal locationalso makes a perfect base from which to explore Asia. Also, because oftheir location, Perth and Western Australia are becoming increasinglyimportant to international business and world economic markets.Recognizing this prime location, companies from the U.S. and around theworld are expanding business into Perth and the rest of Australia morenow than ever before. In the future, knowing how to do business inAustralia could be the key to being successful on the Pacific Rim.

Paris launches smile campaign to woo tourists

Paris launches smile campaign to woo tourists
Faced with a fall in tourist numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris tourist board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile.

Visitors to Paris, the world's most visited city, have fallen 17 percent since January compared with the same period in 2008, official figures show.

To counter the slump and boost revenues, the tourist board has set up stands manned by teams of "smile ambassadors" to welcome holiday-makers at the city's most popular spots.

As if to heed its call, hundreds of roller-skaters formed a giant smile in Place Vendome in the city center on Sunday.

"We have to work on striking and simple images. There's nothing as telling as a smile," said Paul Roll, who heads the tourist board.

In May, a questionnaire carried out by travel site TripAdvisor found Paris to be the most over-rated city in Europe, citing its high prices and unpleasant residents.

Daniel Fasquelle, founder of a tourism association, said that French from all walks of life needed to play their part.

"If we want tourism, which has generated more than two million jobs, to remain a major economic sector, everyone has to get behind it - professionals, elected representatives, and French people," he said.

"It's the American tourist lost in Paris that we inform politely, it's the English person looking for the way in northern France who we don't get impatient with by honking our car horns," he said.

Paris is doing more than trying to make its residents smile to draw in more visitors.

Pakistan Try to back the tourism in Swat

Pakistan Try to back the tourism in Swat
MINGORA, Pakistan, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Pakistan's Swat valley will soon be reopened to tourists, an army commander said on Thursday, although sporadic violence continued with 17 militants killed in the latest clashes.

The army has largely cleared the former Taliban bastion in the valley, once a prime tourist destination 120 km (80 miles) northwest of Islamabad, in an offensive launched in late April.

The military says more than 2,000 militants have been killed although there has been no independent verification of that toll. In the latest violence, 17 militants were killed in several clashes, the military said in a statement.

But despite that, the commander of forces in Swat said the valley would soon be ready for visitors.

"The operation has been a complete success and we plan to open the valley to local tourists within a month," Major-General Ashfaq Nadeem told reporters in the region's man town of Mingora.

The offensive in Swat came after Taliban advances early this year and a string of attacks in cities raised fears for nuclear-armed Pakistan 's stability and alarmed its ally the United States.

The army is now turning its attention to the South Waziristan region on the Afghan border, the headquarters of Pakistani Taliban militants.

The Swat valley with its Alpine scenery, ancient Buddhist ruins and trout fishing was for years a favourite tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors.

Young Western backpackers used to flock there for a rest on the overland trail from Europe to India.

The valley was also home to Pakistan's only ski resort, but militants burned down the hotel at the resort last year.

Nadeem said he wanted to get the message out that the valley was safe.

"We've asked the provincial government to arrange seminars on tourism and tell people that militancy has ended and tourists can come," he said.

` beaUties at iifa `

` katrina kaif at a stage shOw `

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HP Windows 7 Tablet mystery continues Update Development on hold

Speculation around HP’s tablet continues, with the company still yet to step up and confirm whether or not the project has been canned. After a report last week suggested that the Windows 7 slate had been axed shortly after HP’s acquisition of Palm, followed by a contrary report supposedly from a source within HP, the Mercury News is quoting analyst Ezra Gottheil who still expects the tablet to see a commercial launch.


According to Gottheil, “HP has no problem putting out multiple products, some people have even criticized them for putting out too many products. I can’t see them killing one just because another is coming up.” It’s unclear whether the analyst’s opinion is founded on speculation or some insider information he’s unable to detail at this point.

HP, meanwhile, have only confirmed that a webOS based tablet could feature in their future, but they’re tight-lipped on the Windows 7 slate project. Early rumors pointed to disappointing battery life from the Intel Atom processors driving the tablet; Intel today announced its latest Moorestown-based Atom Z6xx series processors, which as well as being more powerful than the existing chips are also more power-frugal.


Sony unveils: new summer line of VAIO PCs

Sony has announced some new VAIO PCs that will land in Japan this summer starting in June. The machines will fit into the VAIO L, VAIO J, and VAIO F lines. The L-series are AIO machines that come in versions with and without digital TV tuners built-in. The VPCL139FJ/T is what you see pictured below and it has a 24-inch full HD touchscreen AIO machine with dual digital tuners, dual AVC Transcoding, and a Blu-ray drive. It will sell for 245,000 yen and a version lacking the touchscreen is 215,000 yen.


The J-series is a line of 21.5-inch AIO machines with dual digital tuners and dual AVC Transcoding in the two high-end models, which also feature Blu-ray drives. The 220,000 yen high-end model has a touchscreen while a 200,000 yen version lacks touch. A cheaper 160,000 yen version uses a DVD drive and dual terrestrial tuners.

The F-series notebooks range from 255,000 to 175,000 yen and all have 16.4-inch screens. The high-end version has dual digital tuners, dual AVC, BD drive and more. The next step down has dual terrestrial tuners, dual AVC transcoder, and a BD drive for 195,000 yen and will land on June 26. The low-end version has dual digital terrestrial tuners and a DVD drive for 175,000 yen.

Update: Sony USA have been in touch to confirm US pricing and availability. It looks like only the J-Series will get a US release, priced from $900 and available for preorder now. However there are also two new E-Series notebooks, which start at $700 and are also available for preorder now.

The 14-inch Sony VAIO EA and 17.3-inch EC join the EB 15.5-inch model, coming in five translucent, high-gloss colors— Caribbean Green, Iridescent Blue, Coconut White, Hibiscus Pink and Lava Black— and three matte colors—Maple Brown, Silver White and Gunmetal Black.

HP 2010i, 2210m, 2310m and 2710m LCDs debut

HP have outed four new LCD displays, kicking off at 20-inches and climbing all the way to 27-inches. The HP 2010i, 2210m and 2310m – at 20, 21.5 and 23 inches respectively – will all go on sale today, followed by the 27-inch HP 2710m which arrives tomorrow; all but the smallest display supports 1920 x 1080 resolution (the 2010i is 1600 x 900) and they each have HP Power Sound speaker systems.





The 2010i has a 1,000:1 contrast ratio, 5ms response time and 250 nits brightness; it has VGA and HDCP-compliant DVI-D inputs, together with audio. Meanwhile the 2210m has the same contrast ratio but 2.5ms response time and 300 nits brightness; it also gains an HDMI input.

The 2310m is roughly the same as the 2210m, with 3ms response time and VESA wall-mounting support. Finally, the HP 2710m has 400 nits brightness, 1,000:1 contrast ratio, 2.5ms response time and 92-percent color gamut coverage.

The HP 2010i is priced at $179.99, the 2210m at $219.99 and the 2310m at $259.99. No word on how much the 2710m – for which the product page will be here – will be; we should find out tomorrow.

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